RoleUX/UI Designer
UX Researcher
3 weeks
PictureThis is an app that allows people to identify, diagnose, and keep track of their own plants, as well as discover other topics regarding planting and gardening.
The goal of this project was to add personalized features to the app that personalized the app to the individual’s needs, goals, or interests, increasing the overall engagement of the user with the app.
PROBLEMUsers were being shown content that didn’t necessarily align with their goals for using the app or their specific interests. As a result, users had to spend longer amounts of time searching for topics of interest or would seek alternative options to find the information they wanted to see.
For existing users, we propose creating an easier and faster way to access the settings menu, where they can customize the content they are shown and modify it later if needed.
For new users, upon creating an account, they will be directed to a screen where they can select their content preferences.
While conducting user interviews using qualitative methods, I observed that users would scroll past most of the articles shown to them. One user even asked why the app didn’t show other topics she thought were more important. This led me to wonder: Do all users share the same interest in the topics she suggested? Surely, not everyone has the same goals with the app. And finally, are some users still interested in the topics that are currently being shown on the app?
All of these questions led me to a bigger point: Users don’t have a way to tailor content to make it relevant to their goals.
From there, I was able to develop "How Might We" questions.
• HMW make the user experience more personal and relevant?
• HMW create a more engaging experience for the user?
• HMW help users achieve their goals?
With the main goal of this project pinpointed I was able to create journey maps that showed the possible journeys of these users.
1.The existing user who wants to change their interests.
2.The new user, setting up their profile.
PAPER PROTOTYPESWhen creating and testing the initial paper prototype, I cleaned up the home screen by eliminating duplicate buttons and renaming menu items to reduce confusion noted during the testing of the paper prototypes.
The main goal was to design an interface that made it quicker and easier to access the settings menu, as well as design an entirely new page for “Goals & Interests,” and a new page for users when creating an account.
The predicted outcome of this project is more engaged users, as well as an increase in user retention within the app.
I found that the most challenging part of this project was finding people who had the app to interview. During the interview process, I discovered that many people who downloaded the app immediately deleted it due to the lack of features available without a premium subscription. If I were to continue this project, my next step would be to address the larger and more ambitious issue of attracting and retaining new users.