DartBrand Design
Branding Design. Dart transportation card.Branding Design. Dart transportation card.


This project involved creating a logo for a new company. The business sector for this company was transportation, and the name of the brand being created was “DART TRANSPORTATION.”

Dart Transportation is a transit system that provides buses, subways, and a train system. With an ever-growing population, the demand for getting around the city or into the city in an affordable and efficient manner increases. Dart Transportation uses its modern yet approachable look to encourage people to switch from driving private vehicles to using public transportation systems.

Logo design. Subway ad saying "Early morning commitment, or late night rendez-vous, we'll get you there" "subway now open 24hrs"
Logo design. Dart mobile app.


The name “DART” is taken from the actual word “dart,” meaning to move somewhere suddenly and quickly. The most challenging part of creating this brand as a whole was designing the logo. The logo was designed in a way to target all ages and genders, something that looks reliable but that also doesn’t look too neutral and boring. In the end, the use of bold text conveys the idea of reliability, and the colours chosen give the logo more personality as well as giving it an approachable feel. Finally, the added graphic of the line is meant to highlight the idea of transportation and going from one destination to another.

Logo design. Colour swatches 
Pantone: P 76-16 U
Logo design. Colour swatches 
Pantone: P 68-16 U
Logo design. Colour swatches 
Pantone: P 157-8 U
Logo design. Logo construction logo spacing and symbol construction.
Logo design. Bus stop signs
Logo design. Dart city guide.

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