Brand design. Air architecture offices.Brand design. Air architecture offices.
Air ArchitectureBranding Design


This project involved creating a new brand identity for an existing architectural company, Air Architecture.

Air Architecture is an architecture firm that works in several different sectors within the architectural space: architecture design, interior design, way finding, and public installation.

Brand Design. Air architecture catalogue.
Brand Design. Logo construction, text spacing (leading).
Brand Design. Logo construction, symbol spacing.
Brand Design. Logo construction, logo angles.
Brand Design. Colour palette. 
White: CMYK 0000, R-255 G-255 B-255. 
HEX #ffffff

Blue: Pantone 542 U, CMYK 63 30 20 0, R-101 G-152 B-180, HEX #6598b4

Black: Pantone Process Black U, CMYK 0 0 0 100, R-0 G-0 B-0, HEX #000000


For the logo design, it was important to consider the company’s main focus which is collaboration, inclusion, and sustainability. With a design using three strokes, the logo nods to these three values while also keeping a professional and modern appearance. It was important to create a symbol that could work alongside the text but also stand alone for branding purposes. With the idea that Air Architecture works in different sectors, the logo was designed so that the colouring of the middle stroke changes depending on the sector. Ultimately the signature colour of the company is sky blue.

Image of a light filled work station
Branding Design. Air architecture stationery. Business cards, envelopes, letter heads.
Branding Design. Air architecture lanyard in the brand's signature blue colour.
Branding design. Air architecture hard hat
Branding design. Air architecture website homepage.
People in a conference room, with Air Architecture branded on the glass of the office space.

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